Charlotte Martin Foundation Grant

Funding Category: At-Risk Students, Improve Student Achievement

Description: The Charlotte Martin foundation, based in Seattle, was established in 1987. Since its inception, over $15 million has been awarded, primarily in the Pacific Northwest, in four program areas: Youth-focused athletics, culture, education and, wildlife and habitat preservation. The Foundation focuses on programs that work to ensure opportunities for all youth, particularly minorities, to develop their skills in education, creative and cultural expression and athletics in ways that ultimately promote their habits of lifelong learning and their ability to make strong and lasting contributions to their respective communities.

Eligibility: K-12 organizations providing innovative educational services in the Pacific Northwest (specifically Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington) are eligible for funding support.

To Apply: Grant Application.

Grant Amount: $10,000

Deadline: September 30, 2024

State: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington