ALEKS - Assessment and Learning

7.19.6 Create Linked Courses


Create Linked Courses

Figure 7.21: Create Linked Courses
Part 3 of the Master Template creation process is Create Linked Courses. A linked course contains the same content and settings as the Master Template. Once a linked course is created, all existing course settings and assignments from the Master Template will be applied to the linked course. Both the Administrator and the instructor assigned to the course will receive a message in their ALEKS Message Center (Inbox) containing important information about the linked courses.
To start adding linked courses, from the introductory page of Part 3, click on the "Create Linked Courses" button (Fig. 7.21).
On the "Assign Instructor to Linked Courses" page, enter the name of the Course CRN/Section and assign an instructor to the individual linked course. (The name of the linked course will consist of the name of the template plus the name of the CRN/Section.) There are three options for the "Instructor" field:

Existing ALEKS Instructor
Select this option and then use the drop-down menu to select the name of the Instructor teaching the linked course.

Instructor to be announced (TBA)
Select this option if the name of the instructor is unknown. The linked course can be assigned at another time (Sec. 7.19.11).

Create a new Instructor
Select this option if the instructor does not have an existing ALEKS account. Enter the title, first and last name, and e-mail address of the Instructor teaching the linked course. ALEKS will send an email message containing login information to the instructor. If an email address is not provided, the Administrator will need to edit the instructor account, change the password, and send it to the instructor at another time (Sec. 6.6.14).
A maximum of 15 linked courses can be created at a time. To add more linked courses, click the "Create another Linked Course" button. Click the "Save" button to finish creating the new linked course(s).
NOTE. There is no limit on the number of linked courses you can associate with a Master Template. To add more than 15 linked courses, you must return to the Master Template Summary screen by selecting "Edit Master Template."
At the end of Part 3, you will see a confirmation page with the linked courses created in the Master Template. You can create another linked course, edit the linked courses, or complete the Master Template set-up process by clicking "I am done creating linked courses."