ALEKS - Assessment and Learning

4.11 The Answer Editor for Histograms


The Answer Editor for Histograms

Figure 4.4: The Answer Editor for Histograms
The Answer Editor for histograms consists of a space for drawing histograms and icons (buttons) for creating and adjusting bars (Fig. 4.4).
Small illustration of this paragraph in left-hand margin. Initially, the histogram appears with a small number of bars (e.g., two). The height of the bars is adjusted by clicking on the top edge of each and holding the mouse button down while dragging to the desired height. To add bars, click on the icon with the plus sign; to subtract bars, click on the icon with the minus sign. Each bar has a space beneath it where an appropriate label can be typed in.
Small illustration of this paragraph in left-hand margin. Any bar may be set to any integer height by dragging. To set the height of a bar at a non-integer value, enter the value in the white area to the upper right of the histogram, then click on the icon with the broken horizontal line. This will place a broken line on the histogram at that height. Any bar may then be dragged to the height of any broken line that has been placed.