ALEKS - Assessment and Learning

7.19.3 Define Template Basics


Define Template Basics

Figure 7.18: Define Template Basics
Part 1 of the Master Template creation process is Define Template Basics. This part allows you to select the ALEKS course product and textbook, edit the content, and define other class settings. Select the "Start Template Basics" button to configure the following areas (Fig. 7.18):

Basic Information
  • The Master Template is required to have a name; this name can be the name appearing in your institution's class catalogue or anything else you wish. The Master Template name will be a part of the linked classes' names. ALEKS Class is the course product that will be used.
  • ALEKS provides options relating to Significant Digits when creating the Master Template. ALEKS can be set to let students know how many significant digits should be included in their answers. Additionally there is an option to turn on a pop-up warning, in Learning Mode, warning the students that their answer is correct but has the incorrect number of significant digits.
  • Class Dates are used to configure the Class Calendar, and should include the entire period of time that the students will be using ALEKS. All linked classes created with this Master Template will have the same Start and End dates. The option to automatically archive the linked class is also available at this step (Sec. 6.1.7).

Textbook Integration, Custom Objectives, and Modules
  • For complete details, see Sec. 6.3.2.

Edit Content
  • For complete details, see Sec. 6.3.4.
Within the "Part 1. Define Template Basics - Review and Save" screen, you can make changes by clicking on the "edit" link next to each item or click on "Previous Step." Click on "Save" to finalize your settings.