ALEKS - Assessment and Learning

B.46 Tarrant Placement Test


Module 1
arith048 Order of operations with whole numbers
arith051 Order of operations with whole numbers and grouping symbols
arith220 Decimal place value: Hundreds to ten thousandths
arith221 Rounding decimals
arith082 Multiplication of a decimal by a power of ten
arith017 Multiplication of a decimal by a whole number
arith055 Decimal multiplication: Problem type 1
arith083 Division of a decimal by a power of ten
arith081 Division of a decimal by a whole number
arith019 Division of a decimal by a 2-digit decimal
arith626 Word problem with one decimal operation: Problem type 1
arith627 Word problem with one decimal operation: Problem type 2
arith224 Word problem with decimal addition and multiplication
arith227 Word problem with decimal subtraction and division
arith200 Integer addition: Problem type 1
arith108 Integer addition: Problem type 2
arith107 Integer subtraction
arith231 Integer multiplication and division
arith234 Signed decimal addition and subtraction with 3 numbers
arith071 Absolute value of a number
alge005 Evaluating a linear expression: Integer multiplication with addition or subtraction
alge009 Additive property of equality with whole numbers
alge010 Additive property of equality with integers
alge266 Additive property of equality with a negative coefficient
alge800 Additive property of equality with decimals
alge008 Multiplicative property of equality with whole numbers
alge006 Solving a two-step equation with integers
Module 2
arith056 Factors
arith033 Greatest common factor of 2 numbers
arith070 Least common multiple of 2 numbers
arith212 Equivalent fractions
arith067 Simplifying a fraction
arith618 Addition or subtraction of fractions with the same denominator
arith230 Addition or subtraction of fractions with different denominators
arith088 The reciprocal of a number
arith079 Product of a unit fraction and a whole number
arith009 Unit fraction multiplication
arith086 Product of a fraction and a whole number: Problem type 1
arith053 Fraction multiplication
arith022 Fraction division
arith015 Writing an improper fraction as a mixed number
arith619 Writing a mixed number as an improper fraction
arith106 Signed fraction addition or subtraction: Advanced
arith105 Signed fraction multiplication: Advanced
alge012 Multiplicative property of equality with signed fractions
alge802 Solving a fraction word problem using a linear equation of the form Ax = B
Module 3
arith064 Solving a word problem on proportions using a unit rate
arith222 Converting a fraction to a terminating decimal
arith226 Converting between percentages and decimals
arith090 Converting a percentage to a fraction in simplest form
arith002 Converting a fraction to a percentage: Denominator of 20, 25, or 50
arith030 Finding a percentage of a whole number without a calculator: Basic
arith069 Writing a ratio as a percentage without a calculator
arith074 Finding the sale price without a calculator given the original price and percent discount
arith031 Finding the original price given the sale price and percent discount
arith225 Finding the percentage increase or decrease: Advanced
geom300 Perimeter of a square or a rectangle
geom339 Perimeter of a polygon
geom019 Area of a square or a rectangle
geom340 Area of a piecewise rectangular figure
mstat028 Mean and median of a data set
mstat024 Interpreting a bar graph
geom001 Finding an angle measure of a triangle given two angles
alge064 Reading a point in the coordinate plane
alge067 Plotting a point in the coordinate plane
alge197 Graphing a line given its x- and y-intercepts
alge194 Graphing a line given its equation in slope-intercept form
alge198 Graphing a vertical or horizontal line
alge066 Finding a solution to a linear equation in two variables
mstat007 Interpreting a line graph
alge272 Solving a proportion of the form x/a = b/c
alge218 Solving a word problem involving rates and time conversion
arith610 Word problem on proportions: Problem type 1
geom044 Pythagorean Theorem
Module 4
arith233 Introduction to exponents
arith047 Evaluating expressions with exponents: Problem type 1
arith600 Order of operations with integers and exponents
alge004 Evaluating a quadratic expression: Integers
alge606 Distributive property: Whole number coefficients
alge604 Distributive property: Integer coefficients
alge607 Combining like terms: Integer coefficients
alge602 Writing a one-step variable expression for a real-world situation
alge016 Translating a sentence into a one-step equation
alge024 Introduction to the product rule of exponents
alge026 Quotient of expressions involving exponents
arith042 Evaluating an expression with a negative exponent: Positive fraction base
arith043 Evaluating an expression with a negative exponent: Negative integer base
alge027 Power rules with positive exponents
alge025 Power of a power rule with negative exponents
alge030 Product rule with positive exponents: Multivariate
alge028 Product rule with negative exponents
alge663 Combining like terms: Advanced
alge029 Simplifying a sum or difference of three univariate polynomials
alge033 Multiplying binomials with leading coefficients of 1
alge032 Squaring a binomial: Univariate
Module 5
alge039 Factoring a quadratic with leading coefficient 1
alge040 Factoring a quadratic with leading coefficient greater than 1
alge043 Factoring a perfect square trinomial
alge041 Factoring a product of a quadratic trinomial and a monomial
alge624 Factoring a difference of squares
alge037 Greatest common factor of two multivariate monomials
alge681 Solving an equation written in factored form
alge045 Finding the roots of a quadratic equation with leading coefficient 1
alge048 Finding the roots of a quadratic equation with leading coefficient greater than 1
alge211 Solving a quadratic equation needing simplification
alge094 Completing the square
alge095 Applying the quadratic formula: Exact answers
alge214 Discriminant of a quadratic equation
alge252 Graphing a parabola of the form y = ax2
alge253 Graphing a parabola of the form y = (x-h)2 + k
Module 6
alge179 Solving a linear equation with several occurrences of the variable: Fractional forms with binomial numerators
alge053 Multiplying rational expressions involving multivariate monomials
alge620 Multiplying rational expressions involving quadratics with leading coefficients of 1
alge054 Dividing rational expressions involving multivariate monomials
alge058 Complex fraction involving multivariate monomials
alge056 Adding rational expressions with common denominators and binomial numerators
alge057 Adding rational expressions with different denominators: ax, bx
alge055 Least common multiple of two monomials
alge226 Adding rational expressions with multivariate monomial denominators: Advanced
alge622 Adding rational expressions with different denominators: x+a, x+b
alge710 Simplifying a ratio of polynomials: Problem type 1
alge034 Simplifying a ratio of multivariate polynomials
alge271 Solving a proportion of the form a/(x+b) = c/x
alge060 Solving a rational equation that simplifies to linear: Denominator x
alge205 Solving a rational equation that simplifies to linear: Denominator x+a
alge206 Solving a rational equation that simplifies to linear: Unlike binomial denominators
alge212 Solving a rational equation that simplifies to quadratic: Binomial denominators, constant numerators
alge062 Solving a rational equation that simplifies to quadratic: Binomial denominators and numerators
Module 7
alge208 Solving a two-step equation with signed fractions
alge011 Solving a linear equation with several occurrences of the variable: Variables on the same side and distribution
alge061 Solving a linear equation with several occurrences of the variable: Variables on both sides and fractional coefficients
alge013 Solving a linear equation with several occurrences of the variable: Variables on both sides and distribution
alge020 Solving a linear inequality: Problem type 2
alge021 Solving a linear inequality: Problem type 3
alge207 Solving a linear inequality: Problem type 4
alge017 Graphing a linear inequality on the number line
alge166 Graphing a compound inequality on the number line
alge160 Algebraic symbol manipulation
alge014 Solving a word problem with two unknowns using a linear equation
alge270 Solving an absolute value equation of the form a|x| = b or |x|+a = b
fun001 Table for a linear function
alge195 Graphing a line given its equation in standard form
alge196 Graphing a line through a given point with a given slope
alge018 Graphing a linear inequality in the plane: Standard form
alge225 Graphing a linear inequality in the plane: Vertical or horizontal line
alge701 Writing an equation and drawing its graph to model a real-world situation: Advanced
alge216 Determining whether given points lie on one, both, or neither of 2 lines given equations
alge069 Finding the y-intercept of a line given its equation
alge210 Finding x- and y-intercepts of a line given the equation: Advanced
alge631 Finding the slope of a line given its equation
alge637 Determining the slope of a line given its graph
alge071 Writing the equation of a line given the slope and a point on the line
alge072 Writing the equation of the line through two given points
geom807 Finding slopes of lines parallel and perpendicular to a line given in the form Ax + By = C
geom808 Writing equations of lines parallel and perpendicular to a given line through a point
alge076 Solving a system of linear equations using elimination with multiplication and addition
alge078 Solving a word problem involving a sum and another basic relationship using a system of linear equations
Module 8
arith602 Estimating a square root
arith601 Square root of a rational perfect square
alge264 Square root of a perfect square monomial
arith093 Simplifying the square root of a whole number less than 100
alge080 Simplifying a radical expression with an even exponent
alge275 Simplifying a radical expression with two variables
arith032 Square root addition or subtraction
alge084 Simplifying a sum or difference of radical expressions: Multivariate
arith039 Square root multiplication: Advanced
alge640 Simplifying a product of radical expressions: Multivariate
alge276 Simplifying a product involving square roots using the distributive property: Advanced
alge086 Rationalizing the denominator of a radical expression
alge088 Rationalizing the denominator of a radical expression using conjugates
alge089 Solving a radical equation that simplifies to a linear equation: One radical, basic
alge090 Solving a radical equation that simplifies to a linear equation: Two radicals
alge091 Solving a radical equation that simplifies to a quadratic equation: One radical
alge812 Converting between radical form and exponent form