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6.2.18 Custom Reports


ALEKS administrators and instructors can create custom reports for their institution and classes with the Custom Reports feature. This feature has many options to suit advanced reporting needs across classes and instructors. Administrators and instructors can select data from existing ALEKS reports and export the combined data into a single customized Excel report. Additionally, reports can conveniently be scheduled to save time. Reports can be generated at multiple levels (e.g., institution, master template, instructor, class, and multi-class) based on the user's ALEKS account type. For example, administrators can select from options that are relevant to their administration level, and instructors can select from options that are relevant to their instructor level.
NOTE. Institution reports and reports spanning across multiple classes can be accessed from the Advanced Instructor Module only.
The feature can be accessed after selecting a class, then clicking on the "Reports" tab, and finally, clicking on the "Class" link under "Custom Reports." For more information on using this feature please see Custom Reports under the Reports section on our ALEKS Training Center.