ALEKS - Assessment and Learning

10.4 Assessments and Reports


Much of the power of ALEKS comes from its capacity for accurately and efficiently assessing the current state of a learner's knowledge.

What is an ALEKS assessment (knowledge check)?

[Chapter 4] An assessment by the ALEKS system consists of a sequence of mathematical problems posed to the student. The answers are in the form of mathematical expressions and constructions produced by the system's input tools (no multiple choice). The student can answer "I don't know" where necessary. During an ALEKS assessment, the student is not told whether answers are correct or incorrect. The assessment is adaptive. Each question after the first is chosen on the basis of answers previously submitted. Assessment problems (like practice problems) are algorithmically generated, with random numerical values. The length of the assessment is variable, between 15 and 35 questions. There are no time constraints, but some assessments can take less than a half-hour and a few more than an hour and a half. Students taking an assessment need to have paper and pencil. The ALEKS calculator button will become active when use of a calculator is permitted.

No help whatsoever should be given to students taking a knowledge check, not even rephrasing problems. Outside help can easily lead to false assessment results and hinder subsequent work in the ALEKS Learning Mode.

Students may be assessed when they first register with ALEKS. It is advisable that all assessments from which the instructor uses data for grading or a similar purpose take place under the instructor's supervision. At a minimum, the Initial Assessment should be supervised.

How does the ALEKS assessment work?

[Sec. 9.2.5] In assessing a student's knowledge, the system is in fact determining which of the feasible knowledge states for that subject correspond to the student's current knowledge. The assessment is probabilistic, so it is not fooled by odd careless errors. (Lucky guesses are very rare, because multiple choice answers are not used.) Likelihood values (values for the likelihood that the student is in a particular knowledge state) are spread out over the states belonging to the structure. With each correct answer, the likelihood of states containing the item for which a correct answer was given is raised and that of states not containing the item lowered. The reverse occurs for incorrect answers or "I don't know." At each step of the assessment, the system attempts to choose an item for which it estimates, based on current likelihood values, that the student has about a fifty-fifty chance of success; such questions are maximally informative. When the likelihood values of a few states are extremely high and those of all the rest are extremely low---in technical terms, when the entropy of the structure is lower than a certain threshold value---the assessment ends and results are produced.

If a student makes a careless error or lucky guess, this will appear inconsistent with the general tendency of the student's responses, and the system will "probe" that area of knowledge until it is sure. For this reason, inconsistent assessments may require more questions.