ALEKS - Assessment and Learning

B.4 Arithmetic - 6


Whole Numbers
arith124 Whole number place value: Problem type 1
arith125 Whole number place value: Problem type 2
arith066 Expanded form
arith643 Expanded form with zeros
arith028 Numeral translation: Problem type 1
arith060 Numeral translation: Problem type 2
arith128 Adding or subtracting 10, 100, or 1000
arith633 One-digit addition with carry
arith634 Addition of 3 or 4 one-digit numbers
arith635 Adding a 2-digit number and a 1-digit number with carry
arith001 Addition without carry
arith050 Addition with carry
arith630 Addition with carry to the hundreds place
arith012 Addition of large numbers
arith660 Finding the value of a collection of coins
arith661 Finding the value of a collection of bills and coins
arith636 Subtracting a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number
arith007 Subtraction without borrowing
arith006 Subtraction with borrowing
arith682 Subtraction with multiple regrouping steps
arith637 Subtraction and regrouping with zeros
arith613 Word problem with addition or subtraction of whole numbers
arith126 Multiplication as repeated addition
arith008 One-digit multiplication
arith679 Multiplication by 10, 100, and 1000
arith675 Understanding multiplication of a one-digit number with a larger number
arith003 Multiplication without carry
arith004 Multiplication with carry
arith615 Introduction to multiplication of large numbers
arith632 Multiplication with trailing zeros: Problem type 1
arith638 Multiplication with trailing zeros: Problem type 2
arith014 Multiplication of large numbers
arith639 Using multiplication to find the number of squares
arith640 Using addition and multiplication to count the objects on a grid
arith641 Multiples: Problem type 1
arith642 Multiples: Problem type 2
arith075 Division facts
arith052 Division without carry
arith005 Division with carry
arith680 Division with trailing zeros: Problem type 1
arith649 Division with trailing zeros: Problem type 2
arith650 Division involving quotients with intermediate zeros
arith616 Quotient and remainder: Problem type 1
arith644 Word problem on quotient and remainder
arith617 Quotient and remainder: Problem type 2
arith631 Quotient and remainder: Problem type 3
arith614 Word problem with multiplication or division of whole numbers
arith023 Word problem with division of whole numbers and rounding
arith130 Word problem with multiplication and addition or subtraction of whole numbers
arith651 Introduction to inequalities
arith077 Ordering large numbers
arith078 Rounding to tens or hundreds
arith123 Rounding to hundreds or thousands
arith061 Rounding to thousands, ten thousands, or hundred thousands
arith101 Estimating a sum of whole numbers
arith102 Estimating a difference of whole numbers
arith677 Estimating a product
arith678 Estimating a quotient
arith645 Introduction to parentheses
arith681 Introduction to order of operations
arith048 Order of operations with whole numbers
arith051 Order of operations with whole numbers and grouping symbols
arith646 Even and odd numbers
arith647 Divisibility rules for 2, 5, and 10
arith648 Divisibility rules for 3 and 9
arith056 Factors
arith034 Prime numbers
arith035 Prime factorization
arith033 Greatest common factor of 2 numbers
arith070 Least common multiple of 2 numbers
arith240 Word problem with common multiples
arith653 Fact families for addition and subtraction
arith654 Fact families for multiplication and division
alge807 Finding the next terms of a sequence with whole numbers
arith623 Introduction to fractions
arith665 Understanding equivalent fractions
arith212 Equivalent fractions
arith666 Introduction to simplifying a fraction
arith067 Simplifying a fraction
arith044 Ordering fractions with the same denominator
arith091 Ordering fractions with the same numerator
arith092 Using a common denominator to order fractions
arith687 Fractional position on a number line
arith667 Plotting fractions on a number line
arith618 Addition or subtraction of fractions with the same denominator
arith109 Addition or subtraction of unit fractions
arith664 Introduction to addition or subtraction of fractions with different denominators
arith230 Addition or subtraction of fractions with different denominators
arith100 Fractional part of a circle
arith088 The reciprocal of a number
arith079 Product of a unit fraction and a whole number
arith119 Introduction to fraction multiplication
arith086 Product of a fraction and a whole number: Problem type 1
arith053 Fraction multiplication
arith095 Multi-step word problem involving fractions and multiplication
arith022 Fraction division
arith662 Writing a mixed number and an improper fraction for a shaded region
arith015 Writing an improper fraction as a mixed number
arith619 Writing a mixed number as an improper fraction
arith215 Addition or subtraction of mixed numbers with the same denominator
arith084 Addition of mixed numbers with the same denominator and carry
arith216 Subtraction of mixed numbers with the same denominator and borrowing
arith085 Addition or subtraction of mixed numbers with different denominators
arith020 Mixed number multiplication: Problem type 1
arith076 Mixed number multiplication: Problem type 2
arith068 Mixed number division
arith127 Writing a decimal and a fraction for a shaded region
arith110 Decimal place value: Tenths and hundredths
arith220 Decimal place value: Hundreds to ten thousandths
arith221 Rounding decimals
arith129 Introduction to ordering decimals
arith608 Ordering decimals
arith670 Converting a decimal to a fraction: Basic
arith087 Converting a decimal to a proper fraction in simplest form: Advanced
arith671 Converting a fraction with a denominator of 10, 100, or 1000 to a decimal
arith222 Converting a fraction to a terminating decimal
arith089 Converting a fraction to a repeating decimal
arith672 Converting a decimal to a mixed number
arith223 Converting a mixed number to a decimal
arith668 Addition with money
arith624 Addition of aligned decimals
arith013 Decimal addition with 3 numbers
arith625 Subtraction of aligned decimals
arith669 Subtraction with money
arith626 Word problem with one decimal operation: Problem type 1
arith627 Word problem with one decimal operation: Problem type 2
arith082 Multiplication of a decimal by a power of ten
arith017 Multiplication of a decimal by a whole number
arith055 Decimal multiplication: Problem type 1
arith046 Decimal multiplication: Problem type 2
arith628 Word problem with multiple decimal operations: Problem type 1
arith083 Division of a decimal by a power of ten
arith081 Division of a decimal by a whole number
arith019 Division of a decimal by a 2-digit decimal
arith629 Word problem with multiple decimal operations: Problem type 2
Measurement and Geometry
mstat033 Measuring length to the nearest inch
mstat034 Measuring length to the nearest quarter or half inch
unit005 U.S. Customary unit conversion with whole number values
unit006 U.S. Customary unit conversion with whole number values: Two-step conversion
unit007 U.S. Customary unit conversion with mixed number values: One-step conversion
unit008 U.S. Customary unit conversion with mixed number values: Two-step conversion
mstat035 Conversions involving measurements in feet and inches
mstat036 Adding measurements in feet and inches
unit001 Metric distance conversion with whole number values
unit002 Metric mass or capacity conversion with whole number values
unit003 Metric distance conversion with decimal values
unit004 Metric conversion with decimal values: Two-step problem
time010 Telling time
unit012 Time unit conversion with whole number values
time008 Reading a calendar
time009 Introduction to adding time
time006 Adding time
time011 Introduction to elapsed time
time007 Elapsed time
arith063 Word problem with clocks
mstat024 Interpreting a bar graph
mstat044 Interpreting a double bar graph
mstat007 Interpreting a line graph
stat804 Interpreting a circle graph or pie chart
arith103 Average of two numbers
mstat001 Mean of a data set
geom866 Perimeter and area on a grid
geom300 Perimeter of a square or a rectangle
geom339 Perimeter of a polygon
geom019 Area of a square or a rectangle
geom221 Finding the missing length in a figure
geom340 Area of a piecewise rectangular figure
geom801 Area of a triangle
geom022 Area of a parallelogram
geom016 Circumference of a circle
geom802 Circumference and area of a circle
geom354 Volume of a rectangular prism made of unit cubes
geom311 Volume of a rectangular prism
geom031 Surface area of a cube or a rectangular prism
Proportions and Percents
arith663 Writing ratios for real-world situations
arith064 Solving a word problem on proportions using a unit rate
arith045 Word problem with powers of ten
arith122 Word problem on rates
arith073 Word problem with inverse proportion
arith674 Finding the percentage of a grid that is shaded
arith226 Converting between percentages and decimals
arith090 Converting a percentage to a fraction in simplest form
arith002 Converting a fraction to a percentage: Denominator of 20, 25, or 50
arith030 Finding a percentage of a whole number without a calculator: Basic
arith069 Writing a ratio as a percentage without a calculator
arith074 Finding the sale price without a calculator given the original price and percent discount
arith120 Word problem on percentage: Problem type 2
arith121 Word problem on percentage: Problem type 3
arith232 Finding simple interest without a calculator
Signed Numbers and Exponents
mstat038 Reading the temperature from a thermometer
alge286 Plotting integers on a number line
arith071 Absolute value of a number
arith200 Integer addition: Problem type 1
arith108 Integer addition: Problem type 2
arith688 Integer subtraction: Problem type 1
arith689 Integer subtraction: Problem type 2
arith690 Integer subtraction: Problem type 3
arith231 Integer multiplication and division
arith117 Signed decimal addition and subtraction
arith234 Signed decimal addition and subtraction with 3 numbers
arith116 Signed fraction addition or subtraction: Basic
arith105 Signed fraction multiplication: Advanced
arith104 Operations with absolute value: Problem type 2
arith233 Introduction to exponents
arith683 Power of 10: Positive exponent
arith684 Power of 10: Negative exponent
arith036 Scientific notation with positive exponent
arith037 Scientific notation with negative exponent
arith047 Evaluating expressions with exponents: Problem type 1
arith049 Evaluating expressions with exponents: Problem type 2
arith600 Order of operations with integers and exponents
arith029 Ordering numbers with positive exponents
arith024 Ordering numbers with negative exponents
arith042 Evaluating an expression with a negative exponent: Positive fraction base
arith043 Evaluating an expression with a negative exponent: Negative integer base
arith016 Square root of a perfect square
arith602 Estimating a square root
arith601 Square root of a rational perfect square
arith093 Simplifying the square root of a whole number less than 100
arith094 Cube root of an integer
arith032 Square root addition or subtraction
arith039 Square root multiplication: Advanced