ALEKS - Assessment and Learning

B.14 M.S. Math 1/LV6


Whole Numbers
arith124 Whole number place value: Problem type 1
arith125 Whole number place value: Problem type 2
arith066 Expanded form
arith643 Expanded form with zeros
arith028 Numeral translation: Problem type 1
arith060 Numeral translation: Problem type 2
arith633 One-digit addition with carry
arith634 Addition of 3 or 4 one-digit numbers
arith001 Addition without carry
arith635 Adding a 2-digit number and a 1-digit number with carry
arith050 Addition with carry
arith630 Addition with carry to the hundreds place
arith012 Addition of large numbers
arith636 Subtracting a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number
arith007 Subtraction without borrowing
arith006 Subtraction with borrowing
arith682 Subtraction with multiple regrouping steps
arith637 Subtraction and regrouping with zeros
arith653 Fact families for addition and subtraction
arith613 Word problem with addition or subtraction of whole numbers
mstat061 Describing an increasing or decreasing pattern from a table of values
arith126 Multiplication as repeated addition
arith008 One-digit multiplication
arith639 Using multiplication to find the number of squares
arith679 Multiplication by 10, 100, and 1000
arith003 Multiplication without carry
arith004 Multiplication with carry
arith632 Multiplication with trailing zeros: Problem type 1
arith615 Introduction to multiplication of large numbers
arith675 Understanding multiplication of a one-digit number with a larger number
arith638 Multiplication with trailing zeros: Problem type 2
arith014 Multiplication of large numbers
arith641 Multiples: Problem type 1
arith642 Multiples: Problem type 2
arith075 Division facts
arith654 Fact families for multiplication and division
arith614 Word problem with multiplication or division of whole numbers
arith130 Word problem with multiplication and addition or subtraction of whole numbers
arith451 Word problem on unit rates associated with ratios of whole numbers: Whole number answers
arith243 Division of whole numbers given in fractional form
arith711 Division involving zero
arith052 Division without carry
arith005 Division with carry
arith901 Whole number division: 2-digit by 2-digit, no remainder
arith902 Whole number division: 3-digit by 2-digit, no remainder
arith680 Division with trailing zeros: Problem type 1
arith649 Division with trailing zeros: Problem type 2
arith616 Quotient and remainder: Problem type 1
arith644 Word problem on quotient and remainder
arith617 Quotient and remainder: Problem type 2
arith631 Quotient and remainder: Problem type 3
arith650 Division involving quotients with intermediate zeros
arith023 Word problem with division of whole numbers and rounding
arith651 Introduction to inequalities
arith652 Comparing a numerical expression with a number
arith077 Ordering large numbers
arith078 Rounding to tens or hundreds
arith123 Rounding to hundreds or thousands
arith061 Rounding to thousands, ten thousands, or hundred thousands
arith101 Estimating a sum of whole numbers
arith102 Estimating a difference of whole numbers
arith677 Estimating a product
arith678 Estimating a quotient
arith692 Writing expressions using exponents
arith233 Introduction to exponents
arith683 Power of 10: Positive exponent
arith645 Introduction to parentheses
arith865 Comparing numerical expressions with parentheses
arith681 Introduction to order of operations
arith048 Order of operations with whole numbers
arith051 Order of operations with whole numbers and grouping symbols
arith693 Order of operations with whole numbers and exponents: Basic
arith713 Order of operations with whole numbers and exponents: Advanced
arith646 Even and odd numbers
arith647 Divisibility rules for 2, 5, and 10
arith648 Divisibility rules for 3 and 9
arith056 Factors
arith034 Prime numbers
arith035 Prime factorization
arith033 Greatest common factor of 2 numbers
arith516 Greatest common factor of 3 numbers
arith409 Introduction to the distributive property
arith657 Understanding the distributive property
arith410 Introduction to factoring with numbers
arith411 Factoring a sum or difference of whole numbers
arith070 Least common multiple of 2 numbers
arith804 Least common multiple of 3 numbers
arith418 Word problem involving the least common multiple of 2 numbers
arith240 Word problem with common multiples
alge284 Evaluating an algebraic expression: Whole number addition or subtraction
alge683 Evaluating an algebraic expression: Whole number multiplication or division
alge285 Evaluating an algebraic expression: Whole numbers with two operations
alge649 Evaluating a formula
alge648 Evaluating an algebraic expression: Whole numbers with one operation and an exponent
alge832 Evaluating an algebraic expression: Whole number operations and exponents
alge733 Writing a one-step expression for a real-world situation
alge831 Translating a phrase into a one-step expression
alge291 Translating a phrase into a two-step expression
alge650 Identifying solutions to a one-step linear equation: Problem type 1
alge651 Identifying solutions to a one-step linear equation: Problem type 2
alge009 Additive property of equality with whole numbers
alge813 Introduction to solving an equation with multiplication or division
alge008 Multiplicative property of equality with whole numbers
alge016 Translating a sentence into a one-step equation
geom339 Perimeter of a polygon
geom300 Perimeter of a square or a rectangle
geom019 Area of a square or a rectangle
geom866 Perimeter and area on a grid
arith110 Decimal place value: Tenths and hundredths
arith220 Decimal place value: Hundreds to ten thousandths
arith714 Writing a decimal number less than 1 given its name
arith715 Writing a decimal number greater than 1 given its name
arith716 Writing a decimal number given its name: Advanced
arith829 Reading decimal position on a number line: Tenths
arith830 Reading decimal position on a number line: Hundredths
arith831 Understanding decimal position on a number line using zoom: Hundredths
arith832 Understanding decimal position on a number line using zoom: Thousandths
arith129 Introduction to ordering decimals
arith608 Ordering decimals
arith221 Rounding decimals
arith624 Addition of aligned decimals
arith013 Decimal addition with 3 numbers
arith734 Subtraction of aligned decimals
arith735 Decimal subtraction: Basic
arith736 Decimal subtraction: Advanced
arith737 Decimal addition and subtraction with 3 or more numbers
arith131 Estimating a decimal sum or difference
arith668 Addition with money
arith669 Subtraction with money
arith132 Word problem with addition or subtraction of 2 decimals
arith133 Word problem with addition of 3 or 4 decimals and whole numbers
arith134 Word problem with subtraction of a whole number and a decimal: Regrouping with zeros
arith739 Introduction to decimal multiplication
arith017 Multiplication of a decimal by a whole number
arith055 Decimal multiplication: Problem type 1
arith046 Decimal multiplication: Problem type 2
arith082 Multiplication of a decimal by a power of ten
arith738 Multiplication of a decimal by a power of 0.1
arith740 Multiplication of decimals that have a product less than 0.1
arith752 Estimating a product of decimals
arith135 Word problem with multiplication of a decimal and a whole number
arith137 Word problem with multiplication of two decimals
arith628 Word problem with multiple decimal operations: Problem type 1
arith744 Whole number division with decimal answers
arith081 Division of a decimal by a whole number
arith743 Division of a decimal by a 1-digit decimal
arith019 Division of a decimal by a 2-digit decimal
arith083 Division of a decimal by a power of ten
arith742 Division of a decimal by a power of 0.1
arith745 Decimal division with rounding
arith136 Word problem with division of a decimal and a whole number
arith138 Word problem with division of two decimals
arith629 Word problem with multiple decimal operations: Problem type 2
arith103 Average of two numbers
arith753 Squaring decimal bases: Products greater than 0.1
arith741 Exponents and decimals: Products less than 0.1
arith720 Order of operations with decimals: Problem type 1
arith746 Order of operations with decimals: Problem type 2
arith747 Order of operations with decimals: Problem type 3
scinot023 Introduction to scientific notation with positive exponents
arith036 Scientific notation with positive exponent
arith623 Introduction to fractions
arith665 Understanding equivalent fractions
arith212 Equivalent fractions
arith666 Introduction to simplifying a fraction
arith067 Simplifying a fraction
arith687 Fractional position on a number line
arith667 Plotting fractions on a number line
arith044 Ordering fractions with the same denominator
arith091 Ordering fractions with the same numerator
arith092 Using a common denominator to order fractions
arith079 Product of a unit fraction and a whole number
arith086 Product of a fraction and a whole number: Problem type 1
arith119 Introduction to fraction multiplication
arith053 Fraction multiplication
arith812 Product of a fraction and a whole number: Problem type 2
arith905 Determining if a quantity is increased or decreased when multiplied by a fraction
arith509 Modeling multiplication of proper fractions
arith813 Multiplication of 3 fractions
arith818 Word problem involving fractions and multiplication
arith095 Multi-step word problem involving fractions and multiplication
arith088 The reciprocal of a number
arith694 Division involving a whole number and a fraction
arith022 Fraction division
arith507 Fact families for multiplication and division of fractions
arith508 Modeling division of a whole number by a fraction
arith819 Word problem involving fractions and division
arith618 Addition or subtraction of fractions with the same denominator
arith802 Addition or subtraction of fractions with the same denominator and simplification
arith801 Finding the LCD of two fractions
arith109 Addition or subtraction of unit fractions
arith664 Introduction to addition or subtraction of fractions with different denominators
arith230 Addition or subtraction of fractions with different denominators
arith803 Addition and subtraction of 3 fractions with different denominators
arith805 Word problem involving addition or subtraction of fractions with different denominators
arith100 Fractional part of a circle
arith662 Writing a mixed number and an improper fraction for a shaded region
arith015 Writing an improper fraction as a mixed number
arith619 Writing a mixed number as an improper fraction
arith215 Addition or subtraction of mixed numbers with the same denominator
arith084 Addition of mixed numbers with the same denominator and carry
arith216 Subtraction of mixed numbers with the same denominator and borrowing
arith806 Addition or subtraction of mixed numbers with different denominators and no carry or borrow
arith808 Addition of mixed numbers with different denominators and carry
arith809 Subtraction of mixed numbers with different denominators and borrowing
arith807 Addition and subtraction of 3 mixed numbers with different denominators
arith810 Word problem involving addition or subtraction of mixed numbers with different denominators
arith815 Mixed number multiplication
arith816 Multiplication of a mixed number and a whole number
arith817 Division with a mixed number and a whole number
arith068 Mixed number division
arith820 Word problem involving multiplication or division with mixed numbers
arith127 Writing a decimal and a fraction for a shaded region
arith725 Converting a fraction with a denominator of 10 or 100 to a decimal
arith726 Converting a fraction with a denominator of 100 or 1000 to a decimal
arith113 Converting a proper fraction with a denominator of 2, 4, or 5 to a decimal
arith114 Converting a mixed number with a denominator of 2, 4, or 5 to a decimal
arith727 Converting a fraction to a terminating decimal: Basic
arith728 Converting a fraction to a terminating decimal: Advanced
arith730 Converting a fraction to a repeating decimal: Basic
arith731 Converting a fraction to a repeating decimal: Advanced
arith733 Using a calculator to convert a fraction to a rounded decimal
arith111 Converting a mixed number to a terminating decimal: Basic
arith112 Converting a mixed number to a terminating decimal: Advanced
arith732 Converting a fraction or mixed number to a rounded decimal
arith609 Ordering fractions and decimals
arith717 Converting a decimal to a proper fraction without simplifying: Basic
arith719 Converting a decimal to a proper fraction without simplifying: Advanced
arith718 Converting a decimal to a proper fraction in simplest form: Basic
arith087 Converting a decimal to a proper fraction in simplest form: Advanced
arith721 Converting a decimal to a mixed number and an improper fraction without simplifying
arith722 Converting a decimal to a mixed number and an improper fraction in simplest form: Basic
arith724 Converting a decimal to a mixed number and an improper fraction in simplest form: Advanced
arith513 Identifying rational decimal numbers
arith821 Exponents and fractions
arith859 Order of operations with fractions: Problem type 1
arith860 Order of operations with fractions: Problem type 2
arith861 Order of operations with fractions: Problem type 3
arith695 Complex fraction without variables: Problem type 1
arith748 Addition or subtraction with a decimal and a mixed number
arith749 Multiplication with a decimal and a fraction
Ratios, Proportions, and Measurement
arith823 Writing ratios using different notations
arith663 Writing ratios for real-world situations
arith450 Identifying statements that describe a ratio
arith824 Simplifying a ratio of whole numbers: Problem type 1
arith825 Simplifying a ratio of decimals
arith827 Finding a unit price
arith455 Using tables to compare ratios
arith828 Computing unit prices to find the better buy
arith228 Word problem on unit rates associated with ratios of whole numbers: Decimal answers
arith064 Solving a word problem on proportions using a unit rate
alge823 Solving a one-step word problem using the formula d = rt
alge281 Function tables with one-step rules
arith452 Finding missing values in a table of equivalent ratios
arith453 Using a table of equivalent ratios to find a missing quantity in a ratio
arith504 Writing an equation to represent a proportional relationship
alge819 Solving a proportion of the form x/a=b/c: Basic
alge272 Solving a proportion of the form x/a = b/c
arith610 Word problem on proportions: Problem type 1
arith611 Word problem on proportions: Problem type 2
arith045 Word problem with powers of ten
geom359 Identifying congruent shapes on a grid
geom360 Identifying similar or congruent shapes on a grid
geom037 Similar polygons
geom038 Similar right triangles
geom337 Indirect measurement
geom538 Finding lengths using scale models
geom539 Finding a scale factor: Same units
geom541 Using a scale drawing to find actual area
geom542 Reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale
mstat058 Choosing a measuring tool
mstat059 Choosing U.S. Customary measurement units
mstat033 Measuring length to the nearest inch
mstat034 Measuring length to the nearest quarter or half inch
unit005 U.S. Customary unit conversion with whole number values
mstat035 Conversions involving measurements in feet and inches
mstat036 Adding measurements in feet and inches
unit006 U.S. Customary unit conversion with whole number values: Two-step conversion
unit007 U.S. Customary unit conversion with mixed number values: One-step conversion
unit008 U.S. Customary unit conversion with mixed number values: Two-step conversion
unit009 U.S. Customary area unit conversion with whole number values
mstat060 Choosing metric measurement units
mstat063 Measuring length to the nearest centimeter
mstat064 Measuring length to the nearest millimeter
unit001 Metric distance conversion with whole number values
unit002 Metric mass or capacity conversion with whole number values
unit003 Metric distance conversion with decimal values
unit004 Metric conversion with decimal values: Two-step problem
unit010 Metric area unit conversion with decimal values
unit012 Time unit conversion with whole number values
time009 Introduction to adding time
time006 Adding time
time011 Introduction to elapsed time
time007 Elapsed time
mstat062 Reading a positive temperature from a thermometer
mstat065 Converting between temperatures in Fahrenheit and Celsius
arith826 Simplifying a ratio of whole numbers: Problem type 2
alge218 Solving a word problem involving rates and time conversion
unit034 Converting between metric and U.S. Customary unit systems
unit035 Converting between compound units: Basic
unit036 Converting between compound units: Advanced
arith836 Converting a fraction with a denominator of 100 to a percentage
arith837 Converting a percentage to a fraction with a denominator of 100
arith674 Finding the percentage of a grid that is shaded
arith903 Representing benchmark percentages on a grid
arith723 Introduction to converting a percentage to a decimal
arith833 Introduction to converting a decimal to a percentage
arith834 Converting between percentages and decimals
arith841 Converting a mixed number percentage to a decimal
arith835 Converting between percentages and decimals in a real-world situation
arith090 Converting a percentage to a fraction in simplest form
arith839 Converting a decimal percentage to a fraction
arith838 Converting a fraction to a percentage: Denominator of 4, 5, or 10
arith904 Finding benchmark fractions and percentages for a figure
arith002 Converting a fraction to a percentage: Denominator of 20, 25, or 50
arith843 Using a calculator to convert a fraction to a rounded percentage
arith842 Converting a fraction to a percentage in a real-world situation
arith840 Finding a percentage of a whole number
arith030 Finding a percentage of a whole number without a calculator: Basic
arith844 Finding a percentage of a whole number without a calculator: Advanced
arith862 Applying the percent equation: Problem type 1
arith863 Applying the percent equation: Problem type 2
arith845 Finding a percentage of a total amount: Real-world situations
arith846 Finding a percentage of a total amount without a calculator: Sales tax, commission, discount
arith857 Estimating a tip without a calculator
arith069 Writing a ratio as a percentage without a calculator
arith850 Finding the rate of a tax or commission
arith849 Finding the total amount given the percentage of a partial amount
stat805 Making a reasonable inference based on proportion statistics
stat804 Interpreting a circle graph or pie chart
arith856 Finding a percentage of a total amount in a circle graph
stat801 Computations from a circle graph
arith852 Finding the multiplier to give a final amount after a percentage increase or decrease
arith851 Finding the final amount given the original amount and a percentage increase or decrease
arith847 Finding the sale price given the original price and percent discount
arith074 Finding the sale price without a calculator given the original price and percent discount
arith848 Finding the total cost including tax or markup
arith855 Finding the original amount given the result of a percentage increase or decrease
arith031 Finding the original price given the sale price and percent discount
arith858 Finding the percentage increase or decrease: Basic
arith225 Finding the percentage increase or decrease: Advanced
arith232 Finding simple interest without a calculator
arith918 Comparing discounts
arith914 Calculations involving paying for college
arith916 Computing percentages for categories of a budget
arith921 Comparing annual salaries of different occupations
arith911 Calculations involving purchases with debit and credit cards
arith950 Comparing costs of checking accounts
arith951 Balancing a check register
arith912 Reading a credit report
arith913 Understanding the impact of a credit score
Integers and Rational Numbers
alge286 Plotting integers on a number line
mstat038 Reading the temperature from a thermometer
arith691 Ordering integers
arith415 Using a number line to compare integers
arith699 Writing a signed number for a real-world situation
arith400 Interpreting a table of signed numbers that relate to a real-world situation: Problem type 1
arith511 Interpreting a table of signed numbers that relate to a real-world situation: Problem type 2
arith416 Comparing signed numbers relating to a real-world situation
arith402 Plotting opposite integers on a number line
arith403 Finding opposites of integers
arith071 Absolute value of a number
arith412 Finding all numbers with a given absolute value
arith605 Plotting rational numbers on a number line
arith200 Integer addition: Problem type 1
arith108 Integer addition: Problem type 2
arith431 Identifying a sum as a point located a given distance from another point
arith430 Identifying relative change when combining two quantities
arith688 Integer subtraction: Problem type 1
arith689 Integer subtraction: Problem type 2
arith690 Integer subtraction: Problem type 3
arith754 Addition and subtraction with 3 integers
arith755 Addition and subtraction with 4 or 5 integers
arith440 Operations with absolute value: Problem type 1
arith104 Operations with absolute value: Problem type 2
alge694 Computing the distance between two integers on a number line
arith433 Computing and understanding distances between integers on a number line
arith701 Word problem with addition or subtraction of integers
arith231 Integer multiplication and division
arith800 Multiplication of 3 or 4 integers
arith952 Word problem with multiplication or division of integers
arith702 Exponents and integers: Problem type 1
arith118 Order of operations with integers
arith600 Order of operations with integers and exponents
alge790 Evaluating expressions with exponents of zero
arith684 Power of 10: Negative exponent
scinot024 Introduction to scientific notation with negative exponents
arith037 Scientific notation with negative exponent
scinot012 Converting between scientific notation and standard form in a real-world situation
arith117 Signed decimal addition and subtraction
arith234 Signed decimal addition and subtraction with 3 numbers
arith750 Signed decimal multiplication
arith751 Signed decimal division
alge660 Identifying equivalent signed fractions
arith822 Signed fraction multiplication: Basic
arith105 Signed fraction multiplication: Advanced
arith814 Signed fraction division
arith116 Signed fraction addition or subtraction: Basic
arith864 Signed fraction subtraction involving double negation
arith106 Signed fraction addition or subtraction: Advanced
arith811 Addition and subtraction of 3 fractions involving signs
geom525 Computing distances between decimals on the number line
alge005 Evaluating a linear expression: Integer multiplication with addition or subtraction
alge004 Evaluating a quadratic expression: Integers
alge302 Evaluating a linear expression: Signed decimal addition and subtraction
alge303 Evaluating a linear expression: Signed decimal multiplication with addition or subtraction
alge808 Evaluating a linear expression: Signed fraction multiplication with addition or subtraction
alge001 Identifying numbers as integers or non-integers
alge647 Identifying like terms
alge700 Combining like terms: Whole number coefficients
alge607 Combining like terms: Integer coefficients
arith655 Introduction to properties of addition
alge187 Properties of addition
alge665 Combining like terms: Decimal coefficients
alge666 Combining like terms: Fractional coefficients
alge310 Multiplying a constant and a linear monomial
alge606 Distributive property: Whole number coefficients
alge610 Distributive property: Fractional coefficients
alge605 Factoring a linear binomial
alge612 Identifying parts in an algebraic expression
alge613 Identifying equivalent algebraic expressions
arith656 Introduction to properties of multiplication
alge188 Properties of real numbers
alge608 Using distribution and combining like terms to simplify: Univariate
alge667 Identifying properties used to simplify an algebraic expression
Equations and Inequalities
alge800 Additive property of equality with decimals
alge801 Additive property of equality with fractions and mixed numbers
alge010 Additive property of equality with integers
alge836 Additive property of equality with signed fractions
alge825 Multiplicative property of equality with decimals
alge646 Multiplicative property of equality with whole numbers: Fractional answers
alge820 Multiplicative property of equality with fractions
alge797 Multiplicative property of equality with integers
alge012 Multiplicative property of equality with signed fractions
alge834 Identifying solutions to a linear equation in one variable: Two-step equations
alge803 Using two steps to solve an equation with whole numbers
alge266 Additive property of equality with a negative coefficient
alge006 Solving a two-step equation with integers
alge920 Introduction to solving an equation with parentheses
alge837 Solving a multi-step equation given in fractional form
alge838 Introduction to solving an equation with variables on the same side
alge862 Solving a linear equation with several occurrences of the variable: Variables on the same side
alge611 Introduction to solving a linear equation with a variable on each side
alge658 Introduction to solving a rational equation
alge802 Solving a fraction word problem using a linear equation of the form Ax = B
alge671 Choosing stories that can be represented by given one-step equations
alge841 Translating a sentence into a multi-step equation
alge628 Writing an equation of the form Ax + B = C to solve a word problem
alge618 Comparing arithmetic and algebraic solutions to a word problem
alge672 Choosing stories that can be represented by given two-step equations
alge014 Solving a word problem with two unknowns using a linear equation
alge511 Solving for a variable in terms of other variables using addition or subtraction: Basic
alge513 Solving for a variable in terms of other variables using multiplication or division: Basic
alge015 Translating a sentence by using an inequality symbol
alge845 Translating a sentence into a one-step inequality
alge653 Introduction to identifying solutions to an inequality
alge748 Writing an inequality for a real-world situation
alge017 Graphing a linear inequality on the number line
alge822 Writing an inequality given a graph on the number line
alge166 Graphing a compound inequality on the number line
alge652 Identifying solutions to a one-step linear inequality
alge848 Additive property of inequality with whole numbers
alge849 Additive property of inequality with integers
alge809 Multiplicative property of inequality with whole numbers
alge854 Multiplicative property of inequality with integers
alge636 Solving a two-step linear inequality with whole numbers
alge846 Translating a sentence into a multi-step inequality
alge621 Solving a word problem using a one-step linear inequality
alge623 Solving a word problem using a two-step linear inequality
Graphs and Functions
alge278 Reading a point in quadrant 1
alge279 Plotting a point in quadrant 1
alge064 Reading a point in the coordinate plane
alge067 Plotting a point in the coordinate plane
alge692 Plotting a point in quadrant 1: Mixed number coordinates
alge693 Plotting a point in the coordinate plane: Mixed number coordinates
arith404 Naming the quadrant or axis of a point given its graph
arith405 Naming the quadrant or axis of a point given its coordinates
arith406 Naming the quadrant or axis of a point given the signs of its coordinates
alge695 Finding distances between points that share a common coordinate given the graph
alge696 Finding distances between points that share a common coordinate given their coordinates
arith454 Making a table and plotting points given a unit rate
alge283 Graphing whole number functions
alge282 Function tables with two-step rules
alge850 Table for a linear equation
fun001 Table for a linear function
fun005 Writing a function rule given a table of ordered pairs: One-step rules
fun006 Writing a function rule given a table of ordered pairs: Two-step rules
alge873 Identifying solutions to a linear equation in two variables
alge066 Finding a solution to a linear equation in two variables
alge280 Graphing a line in quadrant 1
alge877 Graphing a linear equation of the form y = mx
alge878 Graphing a line given its equation in slope-intercept form: Integer slope
alge879 Graphing a line given its equation in slope-intercept form: Fractional slope
alge198 Graphing a vertical or horizontal line
alge884 Finding x- and y-intercepts given the graph of a line on a grid
mstat007 Interpreting a line graph
alge575 Finding slope given the graph of a line in quadrant 1 that models a real-world situation
alge875 Classifying slopes given graphs of lines
alge886 Finding slope given the graph of a line on a grid
alge887 Finding slope given two points on the line
alge885 Finding the slope of horizontal and vertical lines
alge630 Finding outputs of a one-step function that models a real-world situation: Two variable equation
alge632 Finding outputs of a two-step function with decimals that models a real-world situation: Two variable equation
alge633 Finding inputs and outputs of a two-step function that models a real-world situation: Two variable equation
alge655 Writing and evaluating a function that models a real-world situation: Basic
alge897 Writing and evaluating a function that models a real-world situation: Advanced
alge654 Graphing ordered pairs and writing an equation from a table of values in context
alge656 Writing an equation and drawing its graph to model a real-world situation: Basic
alge701 Writing an equation and drawing its graph to model a real-world situation: Advanced
alge818 Finding the initial amount and rate of change given a graph of a linear function
alge670 Identifying independent and dependent quantities from tables and graphs
mstat052 Identifying independent and dependent variables from equations or real-world situations
alge999 Finding where a function is increasing, decreasing, or constant given the graph
mstat018 Choosing a graph to fit a narrative: Basic
mstat051 Choosing a graph to fit a narrative: Advanced
alge263 Interpreting the graphs of two functions
alge925 Finding the next terms of an arithmetic sequence with whole numbers
alge933 Finding the next terms of a geometric sequence with whole numbers
alge732 Finding patterns in shapes
alge906 Finding the next terms of an arithmetic sequence with integers
alge979 Identifying arithmetic sequences and finding the common difference
alge931 Finding a specified term of an arithmetic sequence given the first terms
alge907 Finding the next terms of a geometric sequence with signed numbers
alge981 Identifying arithmetic and geometric sequences
alge980 Identifying geometric sequences and finding the common ratio
Angles, Lines, and Polygons
geom151 Measuring an angle with the protractor
geom152 Drawing an angle with the protractor
geom303 Acute, obtuse, and right angles
geom039 Finding supplementary and complementary angles
geom551 Finding the complement or supplement of an angle given a figure
geom305 Identifying supplementary and vertical angles
geom553 Finding angle measures given two intersecting lines
geom304 Identifying corresponding and alternate angles
geom349 Naming segments, rays, and lines
geom358 Identifying parallel and perpendicular lines
geom554 Finding angle measures given two parallel lines cut by a transversal
geom154 Constructing the perpendicular bisector of a line segment
geom158 Constructing an angle bisector
geom159 Constructing congruent angles
geom150 Constructing a pair of perpendicular lines
geom157 Constructing a pair of parallel lines
geom306 Acute, obtuse, and right triangles
geom307 Classifying scalene, isosceles, and equilateral triangles by side lengths or angles
geom001 Finding an angle measure of a triangle given two angles
geom908 Finding an angle measure for a triangle with an extended side
geom812 Finding an angle measure given extended triangles
geom813 Finding an angle measure given a triangle and parallel lines
geom519 Identifying and naming congruent parts of congruent triangles
geom543 Drawing a circle with a given radius or diameter
geom544 Creating triangles from given side lengths: Problem type 1
geom634 Creating triangles from given side lengths: Problem type 2
geom844 Using triangle inequality to determine if side lengths form a triangle
geom548 Determining if a triangle is possible based on given angle measures
geom546 Drawing triangles with given conditions: Angle measures
geom547 Drawing triangles with given conditions: Side lengths and angle measures
geom545 Drawing triangles with given side lengths using a compass
geom361 Naming polygons
mstat042 Interpreting a Venn diagram of 2 sets
geom536 Drawing and identifying a polygon in the coordinate plane
geom867 Identifying parallelograms, rectangles, and squares
geom310 Properties of quadrilaterals
geom532 Classifying parallelograms
geom818 Finding the coordinates of a point to make a parallelogram
geom870 Sum of the angle measures of a quadrilateral
geom852 The sum of interior angle measures in a convex polygon
arith016 Square root of a perfect square
alge413 Finding all square roots of a number
arith763 Using a calculator to approximate a square root
arith602 Estimating a square root
alge407 Introduction to the Pythagorean Theorem
geom044 Pythagorean Theorem
alge408 Word problem involving the Pythagorean Theorem
geom603 Identifying side lengths that give right triangles
geom357 Identifying transformations
geom355 Introduction to translations
geom596 Translating a point and giving its coordinates: One step
geom909 Translating a point and giving its coordinates: Two steps
geom597 Properties of translated figures
geom598 Determining if figures are related by a translation
geom330 Translating a polygon
geom356 Introduction to reflections
arith408 Reflecting a point across an axis
geom533 Reflecting a point across both coordinate axes
geom590 Reflecting a point across an axis and giving its coordinates
arith407 Finding the coordinates of a point reflected across an axis
geom560 Finding the coordinates of a point reflected across both axes
geom534 Reflecting a polygon across the x-axis or y-axis
geom591 Properties of reflected figures
geom592 Determining if figures are related by a reflection
geom332 Reflecting a polygon over a vertical or horizontal line
geom334 Drawing lines of symmetry
geom602 Finding the coordinates of a point reflected across an axis and translated
geom815 Finding an angle of rotation
geom624 Identifying rotational symmetry and angles of rotation
geom593 Rotating a point and giving its coordinates
geom594 Properties of rotated figures
geom595 Determining if figures are related by a rotation
geom335 Rotating a figure about the origin
geom580 Determining if figures are congruent and related by a transformation
geom606 Dilating a segment and giving the coordinates of its endpoints
geom607 The effect of dilation on side length
geom608 Determining if figures are related by a dilation
geom636 The effect of dilation on area
Perimeters, Areas, and Volumes
geom618 Perimeter of a polygon involving mixed numbers and fractions
geom078 Sides of polygons having the same perimeter
geom221 Finding the missing length in a figure
geom353 Perimeter of a piecewise rectangular figure
alge615 Writing algebraic expressions for the perimeter of a figure
geom620 Area of a rectangle involving fractions
geom619 Area of a rectangle involving mixed numbers and fractions
geom350 Distinguishing between the area and perimeter of a rectangle
geom351 Areas of rectangles with the same perimeter
geom869 Estimates and exact answers
alge616 Writing algebraic expressions for the area of a figure
geom410 Word problem involving the area of a square or a rectangle
geom217 Finding the side length of a rectangle given its perimeter or area
geom340 Area of a piecewise rectangular figure
geom562 Area between two rectangles
geom142 Word problem involving the area between two rectangles
geom501 Finding the area of a right triangle on a grid
geom509 Finding the area of a right triangle or its corresponding rectangle
geom801 Area of a triangle
geom517 Finding the area of a trapezoid on a grid by using triangles and rectangles
geom344 Area involving rectangles and triangles
geom022 Area of a parallelogram
geom023 Area of a trapezoid
geom537 Finding the perimeter or area of a rectangle in the coordinate plane
geom832 Area of quadrilaterals in the coordinate plane
geom347 Introduction to a circle: Diameter, radius, and chord
geom016 Circumference of a circle
geom218 Finding the radius or the diameter of a circle given its circumference
geom838 Circumference ratios
geom301 Perimeter involving rectangles and circles
geom026 Area of a circle
geom802 Circumference and area of a circle
geom570 Distinguishing between the area and circumference of a circle
geom302 Area involving rectangles and circles
geom563 Area between two concentric circles
geom036 Word problem involving the area between two concentric circles
geom214 Area involving inscribed figures
geom868 Classifying solids
geom348 Vertices, edges, and faces of a solid
geom830 Counting the cubes in a solid made of cubes
geom816 Side views of a solid made of cubes
geom550 Identifying horizontal and vertical cross sections of solids
geom311 Volume of a rectangular prism
geom354 Volume of a rectangular prism made of unit cubes
geom518 Volume of a solid made of cubes with unit fraction edge lengths
geom535 Volume of a rectangular prism with fractional edge lengths
alge617 Writing equivalent expressions for the volume of a rectangular prism
geom571 Word problem involving the volume of a rectangular prism
geom558 Word problem involving the rate of filling or emptying a rectangular prism
geom505 Volume of a piecewise rectangular prism
geom090 Volume of a triangular prism
geom572 Word problem involving the volume of a triangular prism
geom033 Volume of a pyramid
geom637 Relating the volumes of a rectangular prism and a rectangular pyramid
geom638 Relating the volumes of a triangular prism and a triangular pyramid
geom035 Volume of a cylinder
geom573 Word problem involving the volume of a cylinder
geom092 Word problem involving the rate of filling or emptying a cylinder
geom622 Volume of a cone
geom086 Volume of a cone: Exact answers in terms of pi
geom639 Relating the volumes of a cylinder and a cone
geom575 Word problem involving the volume of a cone
geom219 Nets of solids
geom031 Surface area of a cube or a rectangular prism
geom632 Surface area of a rectangular prism made of unit cubes
geom555 Distinguishing between surface area and volume
geom556 Using a net to find the surface area of a rectangular prism
geom576 Word problem involving the surface area of a rectangular prism
geom345 Surface area of a piecewise rectangular prism made of unit cubes
geom091 Surface area of a triangular prism
geom557 Using a net to find the surface area of a triangular prism
geom621 Surface area of a cylinder
geom034 Surface area of a cylinder: Exact answers in terms of pi
geom578 Word problem involving the surface area of a cylinder
Data Analysis and Probability
mstat088 Identifying statistical questions
mstat080 Choosing an appropriate method for gathering data: Problem type 1
mstat081 Choosing an appropriate method for gathering data: Problem type 2
mstat056 Interpreting a tally table
mstat097 Constructing a two-way frequency table: Basic
mstat098 Constructing a two-way frequency table: Advanced
mstat049 Computing a percentage from a table of values
mstat087 Making an inference using a two-way frequency table
stat020 Calculating relative frequencies in a contingency table
mstat025 Finding if a question can be answered by the data
mstat037 Constructing a line plot
mstat005 Constructing a bar graph for non-numerical data
mstat004 Constructing a histogram for numerical data
mstat024 Interpreting a bar graph
mstat044 Interpreting a double bar graph
mstat057 Interpreting a pictograph table
mstat031 Interpreting a stem-and-leaf plot
geom814 Angle measure in a circle graph
mstat094 Constructing a scatter plot
mstat030 Sketching the line of best fit
mstat023 Scatter plots and correlation
mstat003 Mode of a data set
mstat055 Finding the mode and range of a data set
mstat092 Finding the mode and range from a line plot
mstat001 Mean of a data set
mstat077 Using a model to find the mean
mstat075 Understanding the mean graphically: Two bars
mstat076 Understanding the mean graphically: Four or more bars
mstat091 Finding the mean of a symmetric distribution
mstat079 Finding sample size and comparing samples for estimating the mean
mstat089 Computations involving the mean, sample size, and sum of a data set
stat803 Finding the value for a new score that will yield a given mean
stat802 Rejecting unreasonable claims based on average statistics
mstat066 Weighted mean
mstat028 Mean and median of a data set
mstat029 How changing a value affects the mean and median
mstat095 Finding outliers in a data set
mstat053 Choosing the best measure to describe data
mstat078 Comparing measures of center and variation
mstat027 Using back-to-back stem-and-leaf plots to compare data sets
mstat072 Five-number summary and interquartile range
mstat006 Constructing a box-and-whisker plot
mstat073 Using box-and-whisker plots to compare data sets
mstat082 Computing mean absolute deviation from a list of numerical values
mstat083 Computing mean absolute deviation from a bar graph
mstat043 Interpreting a Venn diagram of 3 sets
mstat041 Interpreting a tree diagram
mstat040 Introduction to the counting principle
mstat015 Counting principle
mstat099 Determining a sample space and outcomes for a simple event
mstat100 Determining a sample space and outcomes for a compound event
pcalc082 Factorial expressions
mstat017 Computing permutations and combinations
mstat008 Word problem involving permutations
mstat009 Word problem involving combinations
mstat054 Classifying likelihood
mstat026 Introduction to the probability of an event
mstat010 Probability of an event
mstat039 Understanding likelihood
mstat048 Odds of an event
stat106 Outcomes and event probability
mstat011 Area as probability
mstat046 Experimental and theoretical probability
mstat047 Introduction to expectation
mstat012 Probability of independent events
mstat013 Probability of dependent events