ALEKS - Assessment and Learning

6.1.2 Create a Table


Create a Table

Figure 6.2: Create a Table
To create a table for the selected class, from the QuickTables sub-navigation, select Create a table.
On the Create a new table page (Fig. 6.2), you will need to:
  1. Select the operation for the table (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division).
  2. Select the range of numbers to be used.
  3. Make the table available to all students in this class (the default) or only to selected students.
  4. Click Save & Activate Table.
After you have clicked to confirm your choice, the table will be listed under Tables Currently Active for this Class. If you wish to make changes to the table(s), select Edit tables (Sec. 6.1.3).
NOTE. A student's QuickTables records move with the account, regardless of the class. In order for the records to appear, however, the new class needs to have the same QuickTables configuration as the original class.