ALEKS - Assessment and Learning

6.1.10 Class Home Page


Class Home Page

Figure 6.7: Class Home Page
Once a class has been selected, all features of the Instructor Module become available (Fig. 6.7). In particular, the tabs "Reports, Gradebook, Homework, Quizzes," etc., become active. Also, in the right-hand margin, there is a box showing upcoming due dates for assignments in this class; at the bottom of the box is a link to the Course Calendar (Sec. 6.4.13).
The Home page for a class displays a pie chart for the average progress of students in the class (similar to "ALEKS Pie Average Report," Sec. 6.2.6), and a list of the students with their current individual progress (similar to "Learning progress since latest assessment," Sec. 6.2.10). Other frequently-used reporting options are also available directly from this page; in order to access all reporting options, click "Reports" (Sec. 6.2).