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7.20.1 Edit College


This page can be used to modify the state and time zone settings for the institution in the ALEKS database. Usually, these are set correctly when the institution account is first created, and do not need to be changed.
Under College Settings are the two options for the access level to Student History report data across multiple ALEKS classes at the College. Please see Sec. 6.2.4 for more details about the reports available for student history.
  • Limited Access (Default setting). Administrators can see report data for all classes taken by a student. Instructors can only see report data for classes they have taught.
  • Full Access. Administrators and instructors can see report data for all classes taken by students.
Under College Networking, there are spaces for entering the IP (Internet Protocol) addresses used by computer networks at the institution. These are needed if you wish to restrict assessments, Homeworks, Quizzes or Tests to the campus network (Sec. 7.9.1).
Single IP School Assignment will require students to complete all assessments from the same IP address where they began them. This reduces the flexibility of access that students usually have to their ALEKS accounts, but in some cases it may be desired.